Troubleshooting: Downloading Problems

NOTICE: iDrive decided to sell out, per se, so this method is no longer an option. Many appologies to those who cannot access my files... I'm afraid your best bet is to try my mirror page.

I've been informed several times that my two web pages do not like some internet service providers, and will not allow any downloading from this site. As such, I made an iDrive account for those who are having trouble downloading from here.

To access the account, go to, and sign in as a guest of sky_sender (note that it's NOT sky_render!).

Currently, the following files are up on the iDrive:

FF3US: My Insane Project v2.00a
CTj: Chrono Shift Beta 1
CTj: Chrono Shift Beta 1a
FF6j: End of Fantasy Beta 7
FF6j: End of Fantasy Beta 8

Feel free to download any of these files from the site.

2000 Sky Render Translations