Final Fantasy V Advance Checklist Version 1.20 By Sky Render 0. Revision History 1. Master Checklist 2. Shopping List 3. Mix Results 4. Blue Magic List 5. Combine Results 6. Dark Arts List 7. Classes 8. Contributors =-=-= 0. Revision History =-=-= 0.90 - 12 November 2006 * Beta version 1.00 - 12 November 2006 * First release 1.10 - 13 November 2006 * Added Combine results * Fixed some residual FF5 SFam references 1.20 - 15 May 2010 * Added Dark Arts list * More corrections and SFam reference fixes * Added Contributors section =-=-= 1. Master Checklist =-=-= NOTE: This checklist only includes items you have to actively seek out. You will NOT find any listings of items given to you automatically during the plot as a result. NOTE 2: Only new encounters are listed for areas. This does not mean that you will not encounter other, earlier-fought enemies in certain areas, however. Key: @ = Spell/Skill/Boss Monster ^ = Steal from enemy * = Action-based ! = Missable World A !Tycoon Meteor [ ] Phoenix Down Pirate Cave [ ] Leather Cap -Encounters- [ ] Steel Bat [ ] Devil Crab [ ] Stroper Tule [ ] Tent [ ] Potion [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Leather Shoes [ ] 100 Gil [ ] Potion [ ] Ether [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Tent [ ] Leather Shield [ ] *piano* -World Map Encounters- [ ] Goblin [ ] Killer Bee [ ] Nutkin [ ] Stray Cat Wind Shrine [ ] Tent [ ] Leather Cap [ ] Broadsword [ ] Staff [ ] 5 Potions (talk to a scholar) -Encounters- [ ] Black Goblin [ ] White Serpent [ ] Moldwynd [ ] Mani Wizard [ ] @Wing Raptor Pirate Cave [ ] Tent [ ] Ether [ ] 300 Gil [ ] 8 Potions (talk to a pirate) Torna Canal -Encounters- [ ] Octokraken [ ] Sucker [ ] @Karlabos !Ship Graveyard [ ] Flail [ ] Tent [ ] 900 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Potion [ ] Antidote [ ] Antidote [ ] Phoenix Down -Encounters- [ ] Skeleton [ ] Calcruthl [ ] Undead Husk [ ] Mindflusher [ ] @Siren Carwen [ ] Ice Rod [ ] Antidote [ ] 1000 Gil [ ] *piano* -World Map Encounters- [ ] Gatling [ ] Big Horn [ ] Tatou [ ] Bandersnatch [ ] Garula North Mountain [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Golden Needle [ ] Mithril Helmet -Encounters- [ ] Rock Slug [ ] Gaelicat [ ] Cockatrice [ ] Headstone [ ] @Magissa [ ] @Forza !Walse [ ] Silver Specs !Walse Castle [ ] Tent [ ] 490 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 1000 Gil [ ] 1000 Gil [ ] Elf Mantle [ ] @Shiva -Basement Encounters- [ ] Jackanapes -Waterfall Encounters- [ ] Elf Toad [ ] Ice Soldier [ ] @Ice Commander [ ] @Shiva !Walse Tower [ ] Silk Robe [ ] Maiden's Kiss [ ] Silver Armlet [ ] Ether -Encounters- [ ] Ricard Mage [ ] Wyvern [ ] Pas de Seul [ ] @Garula !Tycoon Castle [ ] High Potion [ ] Maiden's Kiss [ ] Ether [ ] Elixir [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Ether [ ] Elixir [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Cottage [ ] Shuriken [ ] Diamond Bell [ ] Ashura [ ] Cottage [ ] Cottage [ ] Healing Staff Karnak/Ancient Library Area -World Map Encounters- [ ] Aegir [ ] Zu [ ] Wilk Nakk [ ] Grass Tortoise [ ] Silent Bee [ ] Mythril Dragon [ ] Dhorme Chimera !Fire-Powered Ship [ ] Cottage [ ] Mithril Glove [ ] Elixir [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Elixir [ ] Moonring Blade [ ] Thief's Glove [ ] Green Beret [ ] Elixir -Encounters- [ ] Crew Dust [ ] Poltergeist [ ] Defeater [ ] Motor Trap [ ] @Liquid Flame !Karnak Castle [ ] Elixir [ ] 2000 Gil [ ] Shuriken [ ] Ribbon [ ] Esuna [ ] Lightning Scroll [ ] 2000 Gil [ ] Elixir [ ] Elixir [ ] Elixir [ ] 2000 Gil [ ] Elixir [ ] Elixir [ ] Elf Mantle [ ] Main Gauche -Encounters- [ ] Sergeant [ ] Sorcerer [ ] Cur Nakk [ ] Gigas [ ] @Iron Claw Karnak [ ] Flame Rod [ ] *piano* !Ancient Library [ ] Ether [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Ninja Gear [ ] @Ifrit -Encounters- [ ] Page 32 [ ] Page 64 [ ] Page 128 [ ] Page 256 [ ] @Ifrit [ ] @Byblos World Map Central Sea Area -Encounters- [ ] Sahagin [ ] Thunder Anemone [ ] Sea Ibis World Map Outer Sea Area -Encounters- [ ] Corbett Jachol Cave [ ] Tent [ ] Shuriken [ ] Blitz Whip -Encounters- [ ] Skull Eater Jachol [ ] *piano* -World Map Encounters- [ ] Bomb [ ] Doublizard [ ] Bio Soldier !Istory [ ] @Toad [ ] @Love Song [ ] @Ramuh -World Map Encounters- [ ] Black Flame [ ] Stone Golem [ ] Mini Dragon [ ] @Ramuh Crescent [ ] @Vitality Song [ ] *piano* -World Map Encounters- [ ] Harvester [ ] Prototype (second island south of Crescent) !Lix [ ] @Charm Song Shifting Sands -Encounters- [ ] @Sandworm [ ] Sandboil [ ] Desert Killer [ ] Sand Bear Catapult Deck [ ] Shuriken [ ] Shuriken [ ] @Mini -Encounters- [ ] @Cray Claw Tycoon Meteor -Encounters- [ ] @Adamantoise !Ronka Ruins [ ] Gold Armor [ ] Elixir [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Gold Shield [ ] High Potion [ ] 5000 Gil [ ] Shuriken [ ] Ancient Sword [ ] Moonring Blade [ ] Power Wrist [ ] Cottage [ ] Ether -Encounters- [ ] @Soul Cannon [ ] @Launcher (I) [ ] @Launcher (II) [ ] Ra Mage [ ] Ronkan Knight [ ] Stone Mask [ ] Enchanted Fan [ ] Lamia [ ] Archeotoad [ ] Hydra [ ] Ghidra [ ] @Archeoaevis Walse Meteor -Encounters- [ ] @Purobolos Karnak Meteor -Encounters- [ ] @Titan Ronka Meteor -Encounters- [ ] @Manticore World B -World Map Encounters- [ ] Pao [ ] @Abductor !Exdeath's Castle [ ] ^Spear (Shell Bear) -Encounters- [ ] Tarantula [ ] Shell Bear [ ] @Gilgamesh (I) -World Map Encounters- [ ] Devilfish [ ] Treant [ ] Strapparer Big Bridge -Encounters- [ ] Merrow [ ] Flying Killer [ ] Little Chariot [ ] Neo Galura [ ] @Gilgamesh (II) Lugare [ ] *piano* -World Map Encounters- [ ] Tunneller [ ] Birostris [ ] Fairy Orc [ ] Devourer [ ] Mandrake [ ] Kuza Beast (near Kuza) Kuza Castle -Encounters- [ ] Shield Dragon !Underground River [ ] 4400 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down -Encounters- [ ] Blood Slime [ ] Acrophies [ ] Moogle Eater [ ] Lesser Lopros [ ] @Tyrannosaur !Moglie Forest [ ] Ether [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 10000 Gil [ ] 1 Gil [ ] Dancing Dagger [ ] Cottage [ ] Elf Mantle -World Map Encounters (Desert Only)- [ ] Cactus [ ] Sandcrawler Bal Castle [ ] Great Sword [ ] Hero Cocktail [ ] @Teleport [ ] Angel Gown [ ] Lamia Harp -Encounters- [ ] Objet d'Art [ ] @Abductor -World Map Encounters- [ ] Aquathorn [ ] Weresnake [ ] Kornago [ ] Cursed Being Quelb [ ] @Requiem [ ] Kornago Jar Hiryuu Valley [ ] 5000 Gil [ ] Cottage [ ] 7000 Gil [ ] Wind Slash Blade [ ] Hypno Crown [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Bone Mail [ ] @Golem -Encounters- [ ] Drippy [ ] Lycaon [ ] Bone Dragon [ ] Poison Eagle [ ] Zombie Dragon [ ] @Golem [ ] @Dragon Pod [ ] @Dragon Flower Surgate Castle [ ] 5000 Gil [ ] @Float [ ] @Speed Song Surgate Fleet -Encounters- [ ] Gobbledygook [ ] @Gilgamesh (III) [ ] @Enkidu !Barrier Tower [ ] 900 Gil [ ] Blood Sword [ ] 18000 Gil [ ] Gold Hairpin -Encounters- [ ] Neon [ ] Magnetite [ ] Reflect Knight [ ] Traveler [ ] Level Tricker [ ] Gravitator [ ] Ziggurat Gigas [ ] @Atomos Ghido's Cave [ ] Dark Aspic [ ] Metamorph !Chocobo Forest -Cave to Forest Encounters- [ ] Druid [ ] Ironback -World Map Encounters- [ ] Cure Beast [ ] Land Turtle [ ] Dechirer [ ] @Catoblepas NOTE: All of these save Catoblepas also appear near Moore Village. Moore Village [ ] Main Gauche [ ] *piano* !Great Forest of Moore [ ] 2500 Gil [ ] Ether [ ] 4900 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 9500 Gil [ ] Cottage [ ] Goliath Tonic [ ] Elixir [ ] Morning Star [ ] Aegis Shield+ [ ] Flame Shield+ [ ] Ash [ ] Flametongue -Encounters- [ ] Mimi Magician [ ] Gaiajelly [ ] Mammon [ ] Imp [ ] Wyrm [ ] @Crystal Essence [ ] @Crystal Essence [ ] @Crystal Essence [ ] @Crystal Essence + - These are the same thing; which you get depends on when you get it, before or after the fire Big Bridge Cave -Encounters- [ ] Undergrounder [ ] @Gil Turtle !Exdeath's Castle [ ] Ether [ ] Diamond Shield [ ] Ice Shield [ ] Ether [ ] Elixir [ ] Swifthand Bow [ ] Icebrand [ ] Kotetsu [ ] 9900 Gil [ ] Elixir [ ] 8000 Gil [ ] @Carbuncle [ ] Twin Lance [ ] Partisan [ ] Fuma Shuriken -Encounters- [ ] Twin Lizard [ ] Blind Wolf [ ] Hellraiser [ ] Reflect Mage [ ] Magic Dragon [ ] Black Warlock [ ] Adamantite Golem [ ] Bandercouerl [ ] Iron Fist [ ] Blue Dragon [ ] Red Dragon [ ] Yellow Dragon [ ] @Carbuncle [ ] Gilgamesh (IV) [ ] @Exdeath Merged World Mountain Path Cave -Encounters- [ ] @Antlion !Ancient Library [ ] @Magic Song -World Map Encounters- [ ] Sleepy [ ] Triffid [ ] Hedgehog [ ] Python [ ] Shadow [ ] Elm Gigas Moore Village [ ] Chicken Knife+ [ ] Brave Blade+ + - You can only get one of these. Shifting Sands -World Map Encounters- [ ] Desertpede [ ] Bulette Pyramid [ ] Ice Shield [ ] Cursed Ring [ ] Flame Shield [ ] Dark Matter [ ] White Robe [ ] Black Robe [ ] Elixir [ ] Thornlet [ ] Elixir [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Black Suit [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Crystal Mail [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Dark Matter [ ] 9000 Gil [ ] 8000 Gil [ ] Gaia Hammer [ ] Elixir [ ] 10000 Gil [ ] Cottage [ ] Elixir [ ] Dark Matter [ ] 12000 Gil [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Ribbon [ ] Protect Ring [ ] Gold Hairpin -Encounters- [ ] @Gargoyle [ ] Lamia Queen [ ] Rajiformes [ ] Ushabti [ ] Archeosaur [ ] Zephyrus [ ] Mummy [ ] Aspis [ ] Mecha Head [ ] The Damned [ ] Grand Mummy [ ] Sekhmet Great Forest -Encounters- [ ] @Melusine South World Map -Encounters- [ ] Slug [ ] Gloom Widow [ ] Mykale World Map Central Sea -Encounters- [ ] Stingray World Map Outer Sea [ ] Nix [ ] Water Scorpion [ ] Vilia [ ] Gel Fish [ ] Rukh [ ] Sea Devil Pirate Cave [ ] @Syldra Carwen [ ] Cottage Surgate [ ] Cottage Mirage Town [ ] Thief's Knife [ ] Mirage Vest [ ] *piano* Crescent Town [ ] @Song of Power [ ] @Hero Song Lugare [ ] Ribbon Jachol Cave/Bal Castle [ ] @Odin -Encounters- [ ] @Odin Istory Falls Top [ ] Magic Lamp Solitary Island Shrine [ ] 12000 Gil [ ] Elixir [ ] 9000 Gil [ ] Rising Sun [ ] High Potion+ [ ] Protect Drink+ [ ] Ether [ ] Protect Ring [ ] Crystal Helm [ ] Beast Killer [ ] Ether [ ] Dragon Fang [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Circlet -Encounters- [ ] Executor [ ] Oiseaurare [ ] Shadow Dancer [ ] Numb Blade [ ] Tot Aevis [ ] @Wendigo + - These were removed from the GBA version !Fork Tower [ ] Ether [ ] Wonder Wand [ ] High Potion [ ] Defender [ ] @Holy [ ] @Flare -Encounters (Left Side)- [ ] Tiny Mage [ ] Chrono Controller [ ] Flaremancer [ ] @Omniscient -Encounters (Right Side)- [ ] Dueling Knight [ ] Iron Muscles [ ] Berserker [ ] @Minotaur Walse Tower [ ] Mimic -Encounters- [ ] @Famed Mimic Gogo NOTE: All random encounters in the tower do not count towards the bestiary. Great Trench [ ] Water Scroll [ ] Flame Ring [ ] Dragon Fang [ ] Ether [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Kaiser Knuckle [ ] @Meteo -Encounters- [ ] Unknown (I) [ ] Unknown (II) [ ] Unknown (III) [ ] Unknown (IV) [ ] Unknown (V) [ ] @Triton [ ] @Nereid [ ] @Phobos North World Map -Encounters- [ ] Frost Bull [ ] Istory Lythos [ ] Spizzner Istory Falls [ ] Ether [ ] Turtle Shell [ ] Air Knife [ ] Protect Ring [ ] Goliath Tonic [ ] Rune Blade [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Reflect Ring [ ] Enhancer [ ] 12000 Gil [ ] Artemis' Bow [ ] Aegis Shield [ ] Fuma Shuriken [ ] Giant's Axe [ ] @Leviathan -Encounters- [ ] Mercury Bat [ ] Coral [ ] Aquagel [ ] Steel Fist [ ] Alchymia [ ] Tonberry [ ] @Leviathan Enclosed Desert -Encounters- [ ] Ankheg [ ] Ammonite [ ] Landcrawler North Mountain [ ] @Bahamut -Encounters- [ ] @Bahamut Phoenix Tower [ ] 5000 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 10000 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 15000 Gil [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] 20000 Gil [ ] Phoenix down [ ] 25000 Gil [ ] Aevis Killer [ ] @Phoenix -Encounters- [ ] Lemure [ ] Parthenope [ ] Cherie [ ] Magic Pot Kuza Castle [ ] Excalibur [ ] Masamune [ ] Sasuke's Katana [ ] Magus Rod [ ] Assassin Dagger [ ] Holy Lance [ ] Sage Staff [ ] Earth Bell [ ] Fire Lash [ ] Apollo's Harp [ ] Yoichi's Bow [ ] Rune Axe -Encounters- [ ] Exdeath's Soul Interdimensional Rift [ ] Ether [ ] Cottage [ ] Elixir [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Elixir [ ] Blood Sword [ ] Dragon Fang [ ] Lilith Rod [ ] Enhancer [ ] Ribbon [ ] Coral Ring [ ] Angel Ring [ ] Man-Eater [ ] Red Shoes [ ] Rainbow Dress [ ] Thor Hammer [ ] Hermes Shoes [ ] Fuma Shuriken [ ] Fuma Shuriken [ ] Elixir [ ] Ragnarok [ ] Fuma Shuriken -Encounters- [ ] Grenade [ ] Baldanders [ ] Death Dealer [ ] Level Checker [ ] White Flame [ ] Moss Fungus [ ] Farfarello [ ] Orukat [ ] Great Dragon [ ] Achelon [ ] Ninja [ ] Dragon Aevis [ ] Sword Dancer [ ] Death Claw [ ] Fury [ ] Yojimbo [ ] Iron Giant [ ] King Behemoth [ ] Crystal Dragon [ ] Necromancer [ ] Gorgimera [ ] Mindflayer [ ] Crystelle [ ] Belphegor [ ] Mover -Boss Monsters- [ ] @Apanda [ ] @Calofisteri [ ] @Azulmagia [ ] @Alte Roite [ ] @Jura Aevis [ ] @Catastrophe [ ] @Halicarnassus [ ] @Twintania [ ] @Gilgamesh (V) [ ] @Necrophobe [ ] @Barrier [ ] @Gilgamesh (VI) [ ] @Omega [ ] @Shinryu [ ] @Exdeath [ ] @Neo Exdeath Enuo's Seal [ ] Gladiator [ ] Cannoneer [ ] Oracle [ ] Elixir [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Turtle Shell [ ] Goliath Tonic [ ] Power Drink [ ] Iron Draft [ ] Vishnu Vest [ ] Blastshot [ ] Buckshot [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Elixir [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Blastshot [ ] Blastshot [ ] Ether [ ] Mace of Zeus [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Hero Cocktail [ ] Holy Water [ ] Gladius [ ] Ether [ ] Ether [ ] Ether [ ] Fuma Shuriken [ ] Fuma Shuriken [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Cottage [ ] Holy Water [ ] Holy Water [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Cottage [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Sorceror's Mantle [ ] Kagenui [ ] Blastshot [ ] Buckshot [ ] Hyper Wrist [ ] Cottage [ ] Apocalypse [ ] Cottage [ ] Royal Crown [ ] Coral Ring [ ] Longinus [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Turtle Shell [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Water Scroll [ ] Cottage [ ] Elixir [ ] Mutsunokami [ ] Robe of Lords [ ] Ash [ ] Elixir [ ] Demon's Rod [ ] Hero Cocktail [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Dark Matter [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Phoenix Down [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Elixir [ ] Blastshot [ ] Ash [ ] Flame Scroll [ ] Ash [ ] Maximillian [ ] Lightning Scroll [ ] Flame Scroll [ ] Ribbon [ ] Elixir [ ] Blitzshot [ ] Ash [ ] Holy Water [ ] Ultima Weapon [ ] Necromancer -Encounters- [ ] Mini Satana [ ] Assassin [ ] Soul Eater [ ] Behemoth [ ] Dark Elemental (1) [ ] Dark Elemental (2) [ ] Dark Elemental (3) [ ] Exoray [ ] Duelist [ ] Medusa [ ] Dinozombie [ ] Claret Dragon [ ] Ironclad [ ] Hades -Boss Monsters- [ ] @Grand Aevis [ ] @Archeodemon [ ] @Guardian [ ] @Launcher (I) [ ] @Launcher (II) [ ] @Wave Cannon [ ] @Omega Mk. II [ ] @Neo Shinryu [ ] @Enuo =-=-= 2. Shopping List =-=-= Tule Weapon Shop Armor Shop Item Shop Broadsword 280 Leather Shield 90 Potion 40 Rod 200 Leather Cap 50 Tent 250 Staff 200 Leather Armor 80 Magic Shop Fire 150 Blizzard 150 Thunder 150 Cure 180 Libra 80 Poisona 90 Karwen Weapon Shop Armor Shop Item Shop Dagger 300 Bronze Shield 290 Potion 40 Long Sword 480 Bronze Helmet 250 Antidote 30 Rod 200 Bronze Armor 400 Eye Drops 20 Staff 200 Bronze Plate 350 Maiden's Kiss 60 Cotton Robe 300 Mallet 50 Gold Needle 150 Phoenix Down 1000 Tent 250 Walse Weapon Shop Armor Shop Item Shop Battle Axe 650 Iron Shield 390 Potion 40 Long Sword 480 Iron Helmet 350 Antidote 30 Dagger 300 Iron Armor 500 Eye Drops 20 Kempo Gear 450 Maiden's Kiss 60 Cotton Robe 300 Mallet 50 Gold Needle 150 Phoenix Down 1000 Tent 250 Magic Shop Slow 80 Regen 100 Mute 320 Chocobo 300 Sylph 350 Remora 250 Karnak Weapon Shop Armor Shop White Magic Shop Mithril Knife 450 Mithril Shield 590 Cura 620 Mithril Sword 880 Mithril Helmet 550 Raise 700 Mithril Hammer 1050 Feather Hat 350 Confuse 650 Fire Rod 750 Mithril Armor 700 Silence 280 Frost Rod 750 Silver Plate 600 Protect 280 Thunder Rod 750 Silk Robe 500 Cure 180 Flail 750 Mithril Glove 600 Libra 80 Silver Armband 500 Poisona 90 Black Magic Shop Time Magic Shop Item Shop Fira 800 Gravity 620 Potion 40 Blizzara 600 Stop 580 Antidote 30 Thundara 600 Fast 320 Eye Drops 20 Poison 290 Mute 320 Maiden's Kiss 60 Sleep 300 Slow 80 Mallet 50 Fire 150 Regen 100 Gold Needle 150 Blizzard 150 Phoenix Down 1000 Thunder 150 Tent 250 Second Weapon Shop Mithril Spear 790 Kunai 600 Whip 1100 Diamond Bell 500 Jacole Weapon Shop Armor Shop White Magic Shop Ogre Killer 3200 Green Beret 2500 Cura 620 Coral Sword 2800 Ninja Gear 3000 Raise 700 Mage Masher 900 Bard Suit 1000 Confuse 650 Trident 2700 Silence 280 Ashura 5800 Protect 280 Silver Bow 1500 Cure 180 Libra 80 Poisona 90 Black Magic Shop Time Magic Shop Item Shop Fira 800 Gravity 620 Potion 40 Blizzara 600 Stop 580 Antidote 30 Thundara 600 Fast 320 Eye Drops 20 Poison 290 Mute 320 Maiden's Kiss 60 Sleep 300 Slow 80 Mallet 50 Fire 150 Regen 100 Gold Needle 150 Blizzard 150 Phoenix Down 1000 Thunder 150 Tent 250 Istory Armor Shop Magic Shops Item Shop Flame Ring 50000 Level 3 Type 2 Coral Ring 50000 Angel Ring 50000 Crescent Weapon Shop Armor Shop Item Shop Fire Bow 2500 Feather Hat 350 Type 2 Frost Bow 2500 Bard Suit 1000 Lightning Bow 2500 Silver Harp 900 Magic Shops Level 3 Lix Weapon Shop Armor Shop Magic Shop Kunai 600 Green Beret 2500 Esuna 3000 Shuriken 2500 Ninja Gear 3000 Flame Scroll 200 Water Scroll 200 LightningScroll 200 Item Shop Type 2 (50% prices) Lugare Weapon Shop Armor Shop White Magic Shop Orichalcum Dirk 3400 Gold Shield 3000 Blink 3000 Warhammer 6400 Gold Helmet 3500 Shell 3000 Ashura 5800 Green Beret 2500 Esuna 3000 Slumber Sword 5600 Triangular Hat 1500 Wind Spear 5400 Gold Armor 4000 Black Bow 3800 Ninja Gear 3000 Dreamer Harp 1600 Earth Gear 2000 Chain Whip 3300 Black Magic Shop Time Magic Shop Item Shop 1 Drain 3000 Comet 3000 High Potion 360 Break 3000 Slowga 3000 Potion 40 Bio 3000 Return 3000 Phoenix Down 1000 Gold Needle 150 Maiden's Kiss 60 Mallet 50 Eye Drops 20 Remedy 3000 Item Shop 2 Ether 1500 Holy Water 150 Cottage 600 Goliath Tonic 110 Power Drink 110 Speed Shake 110 Iron Draft 110 Hero Cocktail 110 Bal Castle Weapon Shop Armor Shop Magic Shops Same as Lugare Same as Lugare +: Level 4 Gauntlet 3000 Item Shops Type 3 + Type 4 Kelb Weapon Shop 1 Weapon Shop 2 Armor Shop 1 Same as Lugare Kodachi 5100 Same as Bal Castle Killer Bow 5000 Poison Rod 1500 Shuriken 2500 Flame Scroll 200 Water Scroll 200 LightningScroll 200 Armor Shop 2 Item Shops Headband 3500 Type 3 + Type 4 Strength Vest 4500 Power Wrist 2500 Surgate Castle Weapon Shop Armor Shop Magic Shops Great Sword 8400 Same as Bal Castle Level 4 Heavy Lance 8100 Bizen Osafune 8800 Poison Axe 9600 Item Shops Type 3 + Type 4 Mur Village Weapon Shop Armor Shop White Magic Shop Air Knife 6800 Diamond Shield 6000 Curaga 6000 Elfin Bow 7500 Diamond Helmet 7000 Reflect 6000 Tiger Mask 5000 Berserk 6000 Sage's Miter 3000 Diamond Armor 8000 Diamond Plate 6000 Light Robe 4000 Diamond Ring 4000 Black Magic Shop Time Magic Shop Item Shops Firaga 6000 Graviga 6000 Type 3 + Type 4 Blizzaga 6000 Hastega 6000 Thundaga 6000 Old 6000 Mirage Weapon Shop 1 Weapon Shop 2 Armor Shop 1 Flametongue 10000 Fuma Shuriken 25000 Crystal Shield 9000 Icebrand 10000 Shuriken 2500 Crystal Helmet 10500 Gaia Hammer 12800 Twin Lancer 10800 Dark Hood 6500 Morning Star 7800 Moonring Blade 1100 Circlet 4500 Silence Bow 10000 Flame Scroll 200 Crystal Mail 12000 Kiku-ichimonji 14800 Water Scroll 200 Black Outfit 9000 Partisan 10200 LightningScroll 200 Black Robe 8000 White Robe 8000 Armor Shop 2 Magic Shop 1 Magic Shop 2 Hermes Shoes 50000 Mini 300 Arise 10000 Angel Ring 50000 Toad 300 Dispel 10000 Flame Ring 50000 Fast 30 Death 10000 Coral Ring 50000 Float 300 Osmose 10000 Lamia Tiara 2500 Chocobo 300 Quick 10000 Angel Robe 3000 Remora 350 Banish 10000 Sylph 250 Item Shops Type 3 + : Elixir 50000 Ether 1500 Holy Water 150 Goliath Tonic 110 Power Drink 110 Speed Shake 110 Iron Draft 110 Hero Cocktail 110 =-=-= 3. Mix Results =-=-= A B C D E F G H I J K L A: Potion A 2 3 D 4 F A C 5 6 7 8 B: Hi-Potion 2 B 9 D 4 F B 10 5 6 7 8 C: Ether 3 9 C D 11 12 C 3 13 14 15 16 D: Elixir D D D D 11 12 D 1 D D 17 18 E: Phoenix Down 4 4 11 11 E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 F: Maiden's Kiss F F 12 12 19 F 26 27 28 29 30 31 G: Holy Water A B C D 20 26 G 32 33 34 35 36 H: Turtle Shell C 10 3 1 21 27 32 37 38 29 1 40 I: Antidote 5 5 13 D 22 28 33 38 I 41 42 43 J: Eyedrop 6 6 14 D 23 29 34 39 41 J 44 45 K: Dragon Fang 7 7 15 17 24 30 35 1 42 44 46 47 L: Dark Matter 8 8 16 18 25 31 36 40 43 45 47 48 1 Failure Casts "Slip" and "Charm" 2 Water of Life Casts "Regen" 3 X-Potion Recover all HP 4 Resurrection Brings ally back to life 5 Neutralize Recover some HP and cure poison 6 Cure Blind Recover some HP and cure blindness 7 Dragon Power Raise level by 20 8 Dark Potion Does 666 points of damage 9 Half Elixir Cure HP to maximum 10 Ether Dry Triple the power of normal Ether 11 Reincarnation Revive ally and HP maximum 12 Lilith's Kiss Drain MP from enemy 13 Resist Poison Make resistant to poison 14 Resist Fire Make resistant to fire attacks 15 Dragon Shield Make resistant to Ice, Fire, and Thunder attacks 16 Dark Ether Drain MP to 1/4 17 Giant Drink Double maximum HP 18 Dark Elixir Reduce HP/MP to single digits 19 Kiss Of Life Bring dead ally back to life, 1/2 HP, Full MP 20 Life Shield Make resistant to sudden-death attacks 21 Panacea Heal all status ailments 22 Resist Ice Make resistant to ice attacks 23 Resist Thunder Make resistant to thunder attacks 24 Dragon Armor Increase defense and magic defense 25 Death Potion Instant kill 26 Kiss of Blessing Casts "Bersk", "Haste", and "Image" 27 Drain Kiss Drain HP from target 28 Levitate Cast "Float" on target 29 Lamia's Kiss Confuse target 30 Dragon's Kiss Unknown 31 Toad's Kiss Transforms victim into a frog 32 Bacchus' Wine Beserks target 33 Samson Power Raise level by 10 34 Elemental Power Increase magic damage by 50% 35 Holy Breath Cast powerful, holy wind attack 36 Failure Poison target 37 Protect Drink Casts "Safe" on target 38 Split Shell Decrease defense by 1/2 39 Haste Drink Speed up target 40 Explosive Massive fire damage at cost of user's life 41 Restorative Cure status for duration of battle only 42 Poison Breath Poisons many targets 43 Poison Poisons target 44 Dark Sigh Blinds and confuses target 45 Dark Gas Blinds target 46 Dragon Breath Fire, Thunder, and Ice breath damage 47 Dark Breath Cast an unholy fire over targets 48 Shadow Flare Darkness inflicts massive damage on enemies =-=-= 4. Blue Magic List =-=-= Spell Who? Doom Exdeath (castle), The Damned, Death Dealer, Jackanapes, Unknown (4) Roulette Bella Donna, Death Dealer, Shinryu Aqua Breath Manticore, Dhorme Chimera, Aquagel, Leviathan, Moogle Eater, Crystal Essence, Bahamut Level 5 Death Page 64, Level Checker, Level Tricker Level 4 Graviga Level Tricker, Hydra, Level Checker Level 2 Old Level Tricker, Magic Dragon, Level Checker, Shinryu Level 3 Flare Exdeath, Tunneller (Zephyrus summoned), Level Checker, Shinryu Pond's Chorus Elf Toad, Archeotoad, Kornago, Cherie, Farfarello, Gilgamesh, Vilia Lilliputian Gilgamesh, Mini Mage, Cherie, Farfarello, Mukare, Vilia Lyric Flash Crew Dust, Gilgamesh, Neon, Bella Donna, Headstone, Ushabti, Necrophobia, Orukat, Ramah, Stone Mask Time Slip Traveler, Gilgamesh, Cherie Moon Flute Page 256, Jackanapes, Mukare Death Claw Iron Claw, Torrent, Rock Brain, Gilgamesh, Death Claw, Objet d'Art Aero Moldwynd, Defeater, Gigas, Magissa, Mukare Aera Gigas, Enchanted Fan, Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Page 32 Aeroga Magic Dragon, Elm Gigas, Cherie, Neo Exdeath, Crystal Essence, Ziggurat Gigas Flame Thrower Fire Cannon, Mecha Head, Triton, Great Dragon, Mindflayer, Omega, Prototype, Catoblepas Goblin Punch Goblin, Black Goblin, Sahagin, Nix, Gobbledygook, Gilgamesh Black Shock Black Flame, Rock Brain, Shadow, Ushabti, Druid Off-Guard Page 256, Shadow, Magic Dragon, Ziggurat Gigas, The Damned, Ushabti Transfusion Mithril Dragon, Torrent, Birostris, Mover, Unknown (2), Devilfish Mind Blast Stalker, Mindflayer, Twintania Vampire Steel Bat, Abductor, Dechirer, Shadow, Enkidu, Python, Mercury Bat, Achelone, Blood Slime, Dark Aspic, Zombie Dragon Magic Hammer Byblos, Drippy, Apanda, Death Claw Mighty Guard Stingray Self-Destruct Bomb, Grenade, Magic Pot, Motor Trap, Prototype, Puroboros, Unknown (5) ???? Wild Nakk, Gel Fish, King Behemoth, Kuza Beast, Tuneller, Slownin, Tyrannosaur, Famed Mimic Gogo 1,000 Needles Lamia, Queen Lamia, Cactus, Cherie, Hedgehog, Mukare White Wind Enchanted Fan, Enkidu, Bella Donna, Necromancer, White Flame Missile Gilgamesh, Mecha Head, Enkidu, Motor Trap, Prototype, Soul Cannon All non-ally-targetting skills can be learned from Azulmagia. =-=-= 5. Combine Results =-=-= Note: Shot type only determines the power of the resulting attack. Replace the * in the attack name according to the shot type: Buckshot: Shot Blastshot: Blast Blitzshot: Cannon Second Item Attack Gold Needle Needle *: Does 1000/2000/3000 damage to all enemies Mallet Mini *: Does damage, causes Mini status Goliath Tonic Quake *: Causes an earthquake that does high damage Power Drink Power *: Does damage, causes Berserk status Speed Shake Silver *: Does damage, reduces speed Iron Draft Vulner *: Does damage, reduces defense Hero Cocktail Divine *: Does damage, reduces level Turtle Shell Slow *: Does damage, causes Slow status Dragon Fang Dragon *: Does damage, drops stats Dark Matter Chaos *: Does damage, causes instant death Flame Scroll Flame *: Does fire damage Water Scroll Water *: Does water damage Lightning Scroll Spark *: Does lightning damage Ash Dark *: Does damage, causes Darkness status Shuriken Normal *: Does damage Fuma Shuriken Killer *: Does high damage =-=-= 6. Dark Arts List =-=-= To learn Dark Arts, you need only kill an enemy with a character who is currently in the Necromancer class. Dark Art Enemies Drain Touch Mindflayer Dark Haze Lemure, Exoray Deep Freeze Assassin, Dark Elemental Evil Mist Zombie Dragon, Unknown I Meltdown Liquid Flame, Claret Dragon Hellwind Objet d'Art, Stingray Chaos Drive Mini Satana Curse Ironclad Dark Flare Tonberry, Exdeath's Soul Doomsday Hades =-=-= 7. Classes =-=-= Key Skills (wind crystal): Barehanded, Chakra, Find Passage, Steal, Vigilance, Mug, White Lv6, Black Lv6, Learning, Blue Key Skills (water crystal): Doublecast, Time Lv6, Summon Lv5, Spellblade Lv6 Key Skills (fire crystal): First Attack, Throw, Dual-Wield, Control, all Geomancer skills, Rapid Fire Key Skills (earth crystal): Jump, Lance, Iainuki, Equip Ribbons, Mix, Revive Key Skills (final): Mimic, Exp Up, ABP Up, Lure, Read Ahead Class Mastery Priority: Geomancer -> Thief -> Ninja -> Archer -> Monk -> Blue Mage -> Knight -> Chemist -> Samurai -> Black Mage -> Oracle -> Cannoneer -> Gladiator -> Mime -> Dancer -> Bard -> Red Mage -> Dragon Knight -> White Mage -> Beastmaster -> Summoner -> Time Mage -> Berserker -> Necromancer Knight Monk - Cover 10 - Build Up 15 - Protect 30 - Barehanded 30 - Both Hands 50 - Chakra 45 - Equip Shields 100 - Counter 60 - Equip Armor 150 - HP 10% Up 100 - Equip Swords 350 - HP 20% Up 150 Total ABP 690 - HP 30% Up 300 Total ABP 700 Thief Dragon Knight - Find Passages 10 - Jump 50 - Escape Route 20 - Lance 150 - Dash 30 - Equip Spears 400 - Steal 50 Total ABP 600 - Vigilance 75 - Mug 150 - Artful Dodger 300 Total ABP 635 Ninja Samurai - Smoke 10 - Mineuchi 10 - Image 30 - Zeninage 30 - First Attack 50 - Shirahadori 60 - Throw 150 - Equip Katanas 180 - Dual-Wield 450 - Iainuki 540 Total ABP 690 Total ABP 820 Berserker Archer - Berserk 100 - Animals 15 - Equip Axes 400 - Aim 45 Total ABP 500 - Equip Bows 135 - Rapid Fire 405 Total ABP 600 Mystic Knight White Mage - Barrier 10 - White Lv.1 10 - Spellblade Lv.1 20 - White Lv.2 20 - Spellblade Lv.2 30 - White Lv.3 30 - Spellblade Lv.3 50 - White Lv.4 50 - Spellblade Lv.4 70 - White Lv.5 70 - Spellblade Lv.5 100 - White Lv.6 100 - Spellblade Lv.6 400 - MP 10% Up 300 Total ABP 680 Total ABP 580 Black Mage Time Mage - Black Lv.1 10 - Time Lv.1 10 - Black Lv.2 20 - Time Lv.2 20 - Black Lv.3 30 - Time Lv.3 30 - Black Lv.4 50 - Time Lv.4 50 - Black Lv.5 70 - Time Lv.5 70 - Black Lv.6 100 - Time Lv.6 100 - MP 30% Up 450 - Equip Rods 250 Total ABP 730 Total ABP 530 Summoner Blue Mage - Summon Lv.1 15 - Peep 10 - Summon Lv.2 30 - Learning 20 - Summon Lv.3 45 - Blue 70 - Summon Lv.4 60 - Scan 250 - Summon Lv.5 100 Total ABP 350 - Call 500 Total ABP 750 Red Mage Beastmaster - Red Lv.1 20 - Calm 10 - Red Lv.2 40 - Control 50 - Red Lv.3 100 - Equip Whips 100 - Dualcast 999 - Catch 300 Total ABP 1159 Total ABP 460 Chemist Geomancer - Pharmacology 15 - Gaia 25 - Mix 30 - Find Pits 50 - Drink 45 - Light Step 100 - Recover 135 Total ABP 175 - Revive 405 Total ABP 630 Bard Dancer - Hide 25 - Flirt 25 - Equip Harps 50 - Dance 50 - Sing 100 - Equip Ribbons 325 Total ABP 175 Total ABP 400 Mime Freelancer - Mimic 999 Total ABP 0 Total ABP 999 Gladiator Oracle - Lure 25 - Condemn 25 - Finisher 50 - Predict 50 - Long Reach 150 - ABP Up 150 - Bladeblitz 450 - Read Ahead 300 Total ABP 675 Total ABP 525 Cannoneer Necromancer - Open Fire 50 - Oath 15 - EXP Up 150 - Dark Arts LV1 30 - Combine 300 - Dark Arts LV2 45 Total ABP 500 - Dark Arts LV3 60 - Dark Arts LV4 100 - Dark Arts LV5 200 - Undead 300 Total ABP 750 Totals: 118 Skills/Abilities 16053 ABP necessary Skills: Cover - Protect allies who are low on HP Build Up - Do a double-power attack after gathering strength Chakra - Recover some HP, and cure Blind and Poison Steal - Take an item from an enemy Mug - Take an item from an enemy while attacking Jump - Do double damage (triple with spears), by jumping into the air first Lance - Steal some HP and MP from an enemy Smoke - Escape automatically from any battle you can run from Image - Cause Blink status; next two physical attacks against you miss Throw - Toss a weapon or special item at an enemy Mineuchi - Paralyze an enemy and damage them Zeninage - Deal damage by throwing Gil at all enemies Iainuki - Attempt to slay all enemies in one blow Animals - Call upon an animal to aid you Aim - Up the accuracy of your attack Rapid Fire - Attack four random targets at 60% attack power per hit Spellblade - Infuse your weapon with a spell that is cast when attacking White - Use curative and support magic Black - Use offense and effect magic Time - Use special effect magic Summon - Call upon powerful beasts to aid you or attack your enemies Call - Invoke a random summonable monster Peep - Check enemy HP and weakness Blue - Use special learned enemy attacks Scan - Same effect as the Libra spell Red - Use both White and Black magic (level 3 max) Dualcast - Cast two spells in a row Calm - Paralyze Magic Beast type enemies Control - Take control of an enemy Catch - Capture an enemy for release later as a special attack Mix - Combine two items into an attack or healing mix Drink - Drink special potions that have various effects Recover - Same effect as Esuna Revive - Same effect as Raise Gaia - Call upon the terrain to attack the enemy party Hide - Avoid taking damage from any attacks, but cannot act until un-hidden Sing - Use songs to bolster allies or enfeeble enemies Flirt - Charm an enemy Dance - Perform dances with special effects Mimic - Perform the last action sans any MP cost Finisher - Deal a critical hit or an Elemental Attack that does 9999 damage Bladeblitz - Distribute your attack to all enemies Condemn - Put a target under an effect sentence Predict - Cause massive disasters that can harm allies as well as enemies Open Fire - Deal 1x, 1.5x, or 2x damage to a single enemy Combine - Mix ammo to use special attacks Oath - Summons an undead to fight for you Dark Arts - Utilize special Necromancer abilities Innate Abilities: Protect - Automatically protect allies who are very low on HP Both Hands - Wield a weapon with both hands, doubling damage dealt Barehanded - Deal high damage when not equipped with a weapon Counter - Counterattack enemy attacks 50% of the time Find Passages - See hidden passageways Escape Route - Faster running away rate Dash - Run faster when holding B Vigilance - Prevent back attacks Artful Dodger - 50% bonus to Agility First Attack - Higher rate of pre-emptive strikes Dual-Wield - Equip two weapons at once Shirahadori - Evade attacks by catching them before they hit Barrier - Put up Shell when near death Learning - Learn Blue magic when it hits you Parmacology - Doubles the effects of potion and ether items in battle Find Pits - Locate hidden pits before you walk into them Light Step - Take no damage on damaging tiles Special Abilities: HP 10% Up - Maximum HP boosted by 10% HP 20% Up - Maximum HP boosted by 20% HP 30% Up - Maximum HP boosted by 30% MP 10% Up - Maximum MP boosted by 10% MP 30% Up - Maximum MP boosted by 30% Equip Shields - Gain the ability to equip shields Equip Armor - Gain the ability to equip armor Equip Swords - Gain the ability to equip swords Equip Spears - Gain the ability to equip spears Equip Katanas - Gain the ability to equip katanas Equip Axes - Gain the ability to equip axes Equip Bows - Gain the ability to equip bows Equip Rods - Gain the ability to equip rods Equip Whips - Gain the ability to equip whips Equip Harps - Gain the ability to equip harps Equip Ribbon - Gain the ability to equip a Ribbon Berserk - Always in Berserk status Lure - Up random encounter rate to a battle per 1-10 steps Long Reach - All attacks are long-range ABP Up - 1.5x ABP earned Read Ahead - Lowers random encounter rate to a battle per 25-255 steps EXP Up - 1.5x EXP earned Undead - Always in Undead status (Zombie ineffective, curatives damage) =-=-= 8. Contributors =-=-= These are the people who have contributed to this FAQ. * AstroFlameX, thezlowman, aegilnet, Phantasia Knights, Aerdan - Pointed out sections needing corrections and updates on the 1.10 version.